News by Jeroen De Dauw. Updated on October 27, 2022
Maps 10.0.0 Released
We released version 10.0.0 of the Maps extension for MediaWiki.
What Is Maps
Maps is the MediaWiki extension to visualize and work with geographical information.
Primarily, it lets you embed dynamic maps using Google Maps or Leaflet. Maps also integrates with Semantic MediaWiki, by adding a geographical coordinates data type, and by allowing you to query data onto a map.
Further features of Maps includes a visual map editor based on GeoJSON, KML export, gecoding, geospatial functions and coordinate formatting.
New In 10.0.0
The 10.0.0 release brings support for MediaWiki 1.39, fixes an issue with the Semantic MediaWiki integration and prevents GeoJSON articles from being selected by MediaWiki's "random page" feature.
The 10.0.0 release is Maps 101st release. The first release, version 1.0, was made on July 20, 2009.
Get Started With Maps
Maps is one of the many extensions included in ProWiki. It is part of all MediaWiki hosting plans.
You can find more information about Maps on the Maps wiki, which happens to be hosted on ProWiki.